As your community energy provider, Clearwater Gas System is committed to maintaining the highest safety standard possible. Our gas technicians and subcontractors are licensed and certified to meet national, state and county requirements. Our team of certified technicians is required to complete continuing education classes on a regular basis, as mandated by law.
Safety is our top priority with every install, repair, or service call. We sell and install only gas products and appliances regulated by the Florida Fuel Gas Code, which requires that the equipment and appliances be tested, evaluated, listed and labeled by an approved competent agency. Our gas appliances meet all government and safety regulations and standards, and the Florida Fuel Gas Code.
Clearwater Gas System undertakes a wide range of safety measures, including participation in excavation damage prevention initiatives, installing above-ground markers to indicate the location of buried gas lines, performing visual inspections and leak surveys to identify potential problems, and supporting research and development focused on pipeline integrity.
Clearwater Gas System is committed to taking every precaution necessary to protect our gas lines and ensure a safe environment for you and the general public. Keeping the delivery of natural gas safe for everyone remains our highest priority.